Friday July 26, 2024

Prince William’s ‘significant’ move ‘worrying’ sign of Kate Middleton’s health

Prince William suddenly pulled out of a memorial service of his godfather just an hour before it began

By Web Desk
February 28, 2024

Prince William made a strange move after he pulled out of a big royal event just an hour before it commenced.

Queen Camilla led the memorial service of King Constantine II, the last king of Greece and the second cousin of King Charles, at the Windsor Castle, on Tuesday.

While the monarch was going to be missing out on the service due to his treatment for cancer, the Prince of Wales, who was the godson of the late Constantine, was meant to read a eulogy at the event at St George’s Chapel.

Kensington Palace gave no further details on William’s absence and royal sources maintained that Kate Middleton was “doing well” as she recovered at home from her abdominal surgery last month.

The sudden move from the future king had sparked concerns since it was a significant event for him.

Read More: Why Prince William pulled out of his godfather's memorial service?

Royal commentator Sarah Hewson noted that the late King of Greece was Prince William’s “godfather, the second cousin of the King, a close friend of the King, first cousin once removed of Prince Phillip” and he was his “sailing partner.”

“There are very good close ties between these two families, and members of the Royal Family don't like to pull out,” she said. “They don't like to let people down at the last minute, and they certainly wouldn't have wanted that public announcement that he'd had to pull out, either because of the questions it stands to raise.”

However, despite reassurances from royal sources about the health of Kate, Princess of Wales, there are a whole lot still unconvinced that William’s absence was unrelated to her.

Royal biographer Phil Dampier also noted to MailOnline that the move was “worrying” since William “only lives a stone's throw away, so it's very concerning.”