Saturday June 15, 2024

Ian McKellen reflects on worst moviemaking experience during 60-year career

Ian McKellen shares his thoughts about retirement from acting as well in a new interview

By Web Desk
September 08, 2023
Ian McKellen reflects on worst moviemaking experience during 60-year career
Ian McKellen reflects on worst moviemaking experience during 60-year career

Ian McKellen has recently reflected on the “worst moviemaking experience” during his long-time professional career.

In a new interview with Variety, Ian, who rose to fame with his role as wizard Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings franchise, revealed that it was his leading role in Michael Mann’s 1983 war horror The Keep that he described as “worst moviemaking experience”.

“Michael Mann said to me, ‘You’re playing this Romanian.’ So, I went to Romania to scout it out, and I learned how to speak with a Romanian accent,” recalled the 84-year-old.

Ian continued, “Then on the first day of shooting, Michael told me he wanted me to speak with a Chicago accent. Well, I couldn’t do that, and it got worse from there.”

Ian mentioned that he was cast opposite Scott Glenn and Gabriel Byrne in The Keep – the story revolved around Nazi troops who awaken an evil force when they set up camp in Romania during World War II.

Elsewhere in the interview, Ian was question about his plans for retirement and to this, he responded, “Retire to do what?”

The actor stated, “I’ve never been out of work, but I’m aware that any minute now something could happen to me which could prevent me from ever working again.”

“But while the knees hold up and the memory remains intact, why shouldn’t I carry on? I really feel I’m quite good at this acting thing now,” he added.

Meanwhile, Ian will next be seen in Anand Tucker’s period thriller The Critic, which also makes its world premiere at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival.