Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani got married on Tuesday in Rajasthan. The couple flew back to Delhi the very next day. They have hosted a wedding reception which is so far star studded. Alia Bhatt shows up wearing a stunning light colored saree with minimal makeup look.
Kiara decided to wear a white and black gown with an elaborate three layered necklace, whereas Sidharth chose to wear a black dinner suit with glittery coat. Alia also chose to sparkle with a glittery beige saree.
Sidharth and Kiara’s wedding was an intimate affair. Celebrities like Karan Johar, Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput were invited who later shared their looks from the wedding. Kiara opted for pink colored bridal dress for her wedding while Sidharth opted for a royal look with a safa.
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