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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have ‘a lot of pressure’ on their marriage

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may suffer added pressure on their marriage due to a lack of family support

By Web Desk
August 29, 2022

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may suffer added pressure on their marriage due to a lack of family support expressed a royal expert.

During her conversation with Sunrise Australia, Angela Mollard said that it is important for the couple to ‘communicate better' to have better relationships.

"And what worries me about Harry and Meghan as a couple is that they’re not supported by family," the expert said. 

"They don’t have the bedrock of people around them and really strong relationships for themselves, for their children to just act sometimes maybe as a sounding board or just as a trusted place to just be," Mollard said.

"They really have each other and that’s a lot of pressure on a marriage," she said.

"The pressures of children, the pressures of earning an income, the pressures of security, the pressures of being in a new country for Harry, the absence of long-standing close friends, a different culture," Mollard noted.

"I mean, if you were to add up the stress points for Harry — he loses his military role, he loses his connection with his family, he stops doing the things he’s known all his life in terms of his royal responsibilities."