Saturday July 27, 2024

‘Hateful’ Prince Harry only ‘damaging himself’ with bombshells

Prince Harry’s allegations against the Firm ‘hurting only himself’ in the long run experts warn

By Web Desk
August 19, 2022
‘Hateful’ Prince Harry only ‘damaging himself’ with bombshells
‘Hateful’ Prince Harry only ‘damaging himself’ with bombshells

Prince Harry has reportedly been inversely hurting ‘only himself’ with repeated accusations and claims against the Royal Family.

Author Angela Epstein shared this warning for the Duke of Sussex in her new piece for Express UK.

There, she wrote, “Prince Harry has a loving wife and two adorable children - a family who surely healed him in the way William has said he has been restored by Kate and his own children.”

“And America adores Harry. Whatever our sceptical British sensibility, the US wants to hear his psychobabble and will give him the platform to be his own man. Even if it has been secured because of his royal heritage.”

“So time for silence, Harry. Because the truth is the only person he will ultimately, tragically damage is himself.”