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Prince Harry vs Duchess Camilla: royals will continue to not be close?

Prince Harry and his step mother Duchess Camilla no longer have a good relationship

By Web Desk
July 19, 2022
Prince Harry vs Duchess Camilla: royals will continue to not be close?
Prince Harry vs Duchess Camilla: royals will continue to not be close?

Duke of Sussex Prince Harry and his step mother Duchess Camilla no longer have a good relationship, royal expert Ingrid Seward has claimed.

The Duke does not have ‘great respect’ for Duchess of Cornwall Camilla.

According to the royal expert, the Duke has also ‘no interest’ in developing a relationship with Camilla.

The Daily Mail quoted Ingrid as talking to the Mirror's Pod Save the Queen podcast, saying: 'I don't think Harry is interested in developing a relationship with his stepmother at this stage in his life.'

The royal expert also opened up about how Camilla and Harry’s relationship went ‘off the boil.’

She said, “I don't know about the recent trip but certainly I think Harry was quite happy to accept Camilla in the beginning but then went off the boil about her and I don't think he holds her in great respect.”

The royal biographer’s comment comes a day after Camilla celebrated her 75th birthday with the royal family.

Meghan and Prince Harry, who live in California, also did not extend birthday greetings to the future Queen Consort.