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Prince William attacks step sister Laura Parker over controversial affair: 'Ruined my life'

Prince William blamed Laura Parker's mother Camilla for the pain she caused to Princess Diana

By Web Desk
December 06, 2020

Prince William blamed Laura Parker's mother Camilla for the pain she caused to Princess Diana

Prince William and his step sister, Laura Parker used to have terrible fights with each other over who was to blame for their broken families following the revelation of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker’s affair. 

Both Charles’s and Parker’s affair caused them to divorce their respective spouses which not only affected Prince William and Harry, but also Laura Parker’s children Tom Parker and Laura Lopes.

The step siblings used to accuse each other’s parents for their own parents’ failed marriages, with William blaming Camilla for the pain his late mother lady Diana suffered while Laura argued that Charles was the cause of her parents’ split. 

Royal author Katie Nicholl wrote about the affair in her 2010 biography Harry and William, which covered the lives of the young princes behind closed doors. 

“William and Laura used to have terrible fights over who was to blame for their broken homes," wrote Nicholl in her book. 

She quoted a family friend as saying, “William would blame Camilla for all the hurt she had caused his mother, which would send Laura into a rage Laura was not having any of it. She would take a hard line and fire back at William: ‘Your father has ruined my life!’”

Nicholl also penned how Laura and Tom were mercilessly bullied in school over their mother’s notorious relationship with Charles.