Sunday June 16, 2024

Epstein files: Sarah Ferguson would 'throw herself under a bus' for Prince Andrew

Sarah Ferguson pledged her full support to her ex-husband Prince Andrew in the wake of the Jeffrey Epstein files

By Web Desk
January 07, 2024
Sarah Ferguson has voiced her support to Prince Andrew
Sarah Ferguson has voiced her support to Prince Andrew

Sarah Ferguson has made it clear that she would go to great lengths to protect Prince Andrew even in the face of explosive accusations.

In the wake of the explosive allegations brought against the disgraced Duke of York for his association to late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, the Duchess of York, in a 2011 interview with Evening Standard pledged her full support to her ex-husband insisting that he did not know "how to tell an untruth".

Read More: Prince William not ready to welcome Prince Andrew in family 'again'

"This makes it even more painful for me that what happened has been used by people to make his life more difficult," she said. 

"I would throw myself under the bus for him. It is in times of difficulty that the character shows itself. I am a fiery Irish redhead and I am to remain strong, fight strong, and try to do what is right.

"The duke is a man who does not know how to tell an untruth or behave dishonorably. There have been errors of judgment but nothing substantive has been done wrong by him, ever.

"I have made another huge error in my life in order to get debt-free but the duke and I are a united front on all that has happened over the last few days." Ferguson concluded,

"He, my girls, and I are a unit who will always stick together even though we live separate lives."

Read More: Sarah Ferguson 'deeply regrets' taking help from Jeffrey Epstein

For the unversed, Prince Andrew’s accuser Virginia Giuffre claimed that the royal had assaulted her on three separate events when she was just 17.

The claims were among a Pandora’s box that brought Epstein’s massive trafficking ring to light in which he took underage girls to an island to forcibly perform sexual activities for him and his high client pals, which allegedly included Prince Andrew.