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Whoopi Goldberg slams American Idol show: ‘downfall of society’

Whoopi Goldberg shares her thoughts on reality shows

By Web Desk
May 26, 2023
Whoopi Goldberg slams American Idol show: ‘downfall of society’
Whoopi Goldberg slams American Idol show: ‘downfall of society’

Whoopi Goldberg has recently slammed American Idol, calling it “the beginning of the downfall of society”.

During her latest episode of The View, Whoopi and her panellists were discussing Netflix’s Anna Nicole Smith: You Don’t Know Me documentary when the Sister Act star noted that the singing competition show emphasised more on drama, judgement and criticism.

“I think that we, as a society, love to watch stuff to judge folks. I’ve always thought that the beginning of the downfall of society was with, what’s the name of that show?” said Whoopi.

After her show producer Brian Teta chimed in off camera, saying, “ABC’s American Idol?

Whoopi mentioned that American Idol “was not always on ABC,” after the producer revealed that The View and the reality show share the same network.

Whoopi pointed out that she’s referring to American Idol when it used to run on Fox from 2002 to 2016. However, “it’s a very different show” now with new judges.

Whoopi clarified that it had “nothing to do with ABC”.

“Once we gave people the ability to judge other people, I think we ran amok with it, and it’s gone out of control,” stated The Color Purple actress.

Whoopi remarked, “They invited the public to decide who that person was, and I feel once we did that, it began us in a cycle which we have not [escaped].”

During the discussion, Whoopi also called out other reality television shows, adding, “People like to be judgy.”

The actress and host continued, “You have Basketball Wives, you have the Housewives of whatever, all the Bravo shows, they give you the impression that you’re doing something wrong because you’re living your life.”

“People watch these shows because they make them feel better,” she concluded.