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Prince Harry reveals name of a woman he once dated in High Court statement

Prince Harry reveals name of a woman he once dated in High Court statement

By Web Desk
March 29, 2023
Prince Harry reveals name of a woman he once dated in High Court statement

Prince Harry revealed private information about a woman he once had a relationship with in the midst of his privacy case, according to Daily Mail.

The newspaper reported that Harry named the woman in his witness statement which was made public at the High Court on Tuesday, confirming they had once dated.

The Daily Mail said it avoided naming the woman in order to respect her privacy but added that the Duke of Sussex did not include her identity in his book.

The publication said Harry dated the stockbroker’s daughter, whose grandfather was a polo-playing friend of Prince Philip, while at Eton. She went on to marry a financier and former Army captain.

Harry said that the woman targeted by a private detective, Gavin Burrows..

The Duke of Sussex was in the court in connection with a complaint about an article in The Mail on Sunday.

In his witness statement, Harry said "This article is about a then-new relationship between me and [the woman], including details about her visiting me at Eton, meeting up in private at Windsor and efforts to keep the relationship secret."