Friday July 26, 2024

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry’s power struggles with King Charles ‘exhausting’

Experts fear Prince Harry, Meghan Markle have ‘already played all the cards in their arsenal’

By Web Desk
March 25, 2023

File Footage

Royal experts have just warned of Meghan Markle an Prince Harry’s recent antics and believe they’ve already “played all the cards” in their arsenal.

This admission has been brought to light by royal journalist Daniela Elser.

She started off by hailing “The house – or more accurately, Buckingham Palace” as the winners.

In her piece for the New Zealand Herald, she said, “Harry and his wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, might have spent the last two years waging an exhausting, never-ending battle of wits and PR strategy against The Firm, but they have actually ended up on the losing side.”

“The House of Windsor has sailed through this storm and made it to the other side. And that leaves Harry and Meghan having played all of their cards and the King not having blinked once.”

“Even if the self-exiled couple was to, say, pop up on Good Morning America to lob a fresh volley of their signature brand of 'truth bombs' at London, I reckon the public reaction would be something of a collective shrug.”

Especially since they’ve been reduced to “paying for their palace campaign having failed to really gain a huge amount of PR ground.”