Saturday July 27, 2024

King Charles ‘to be a sitting-duck’ in the ‘firing line’ for UK’s slavery links?

Experts warn King Charles may wind up in the ‘firing line’ for Britain’s past associations to slavery

By Web Desk
March 17, 2023

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King Charles is reportedly slated to be the monarch that may ‘foot the bill’ for accusations associated with slavery.

This accusation has been issued by royal author Jan Moir, in a piece for the Daily Mail.

There, she claimed, “The whole business of reparations for those whose ancestors were enslaved is gathering momentum both in America and over here, putting the sitting-duck Royal Family in the firing line.”

“But is it right to make history apologise for itself? And for innocent heirs to pay for the sins of their fathers? Whatever the wrongs and wrongs of the situation — after all, there are no rights — the clamour for reparations is growing bigger by the day.”