Friday July 26, 2024

King Charles to take a leaf out of Kate Middleton's' book for Coronation service

"King Charles will weave into his historic service some elements symbolising his reign and his focus"

By Web Desk
February 05, 2023

King Charles III is tipped to follow in decision taken by Kate Middleton at her wedding amid the organisation of his Coronation, an expert has claimed.

Dr George Gross, Visiting Research Fellow in Theology at King’s College London, the monarch will weave into his historic service some elements symbolising his reign and his focus.

He added that Coronations have historically been used to send messages to the country - be that of continuity or of a new era ahead. And King Charles is not expected to step away from this custom.

"All Coronation services throughout history have sent a message, sometimes it's of continuity or of clear break [with the past], sometimes it's a specific message, Gross told Express UK.

He added: "The timing of Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation was about a new age, going post-rationing, breaking free from World War II, a big change in that way. Here I suspect there will be a message on climate. I suspect they will possibly follow William and Catherine's wedding, where there were trees lined up.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they went for something like that, and then plant the trees across the country.

"I would be surprised if, given climate has been such a big topic for him throughout his life, that was not to be represented in some way at his Coronation."

Princess Kate, who tied the knot to Prince William 12 years ago, reportedly had ordered for her wedding more than four tons of foliage, which included eight 20-feet-high trees, in a bid to recreate the English countryside inside Westminster Abbey. They  were installed in the church to create what was described as a "living avenue" under which the guests walked to their seats - and the bride walked to the altar.