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Meghan Markle ‘elated’ public now knows what Prince William’s ‘truly like’

Meghan Markle accused of finding delight in Prince Harry’s decision to share Prince William’s reality

By Web Desk
February 04, 2023

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Meghan Markle is standing accused of ‘enjoying’ Prince Harry’s decision to showcase Prince William’s true personality.

Royal commentator and expert Dan Wootton made this admission.

The writer made these admissions in a new piece for the Mail Online.

The writer claimed, “While I have been told Meghan was privately supportive during the writing of the book – and heavily involved with the scorched earth strategy in regards to the royal institution and British media ­– publicly there has been a marked change in tone.”

“The newspaper – one of the few British titles with which the Sussexes retain a working relationship – also reported that Meghan ‘may have raised gentle concerns about whether it was the right move’.”

“So what is really going on? It seems hard to believe that Meghan has all of a sudden decided that publicly roasting her husband’s family is a mistake, given that’s exactly what she has done in the past.”

“And, apart from the specific rolling back of claims the Royal Family is racist, Spare is the continuation of a narrative she started in her infamous interview with Oprah Winfrey, much of which has been disproved (where an obedient Harry joined her for the latter portions).”

“Indeed, the Duchess is said to be privately ecstatic that many of the previously concealed and publicly damaging claims about Prince William’s behaviour, especially the so-called physical attack on Harry, during her time in the Royal Family have now been made public.”