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Prince Harry, Meghan Markle to steal King Charles’ thunder at coronation: ‘Petty’

King Charles fears Prince Harry, Meghan Markle will wind up becoming the ‘it story’ at the coronation

By Web Desk
January 26, 2023

File Footage

King Charles fears Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will end up becoming the only ‘it story’ at the entire coronation event if they attend.

Former Conservative minister Ann Widdecombe during her interview with Sky News Australia host and expert Piers Morgan.

He warns the Duke and Duchess of Sussex hold the probability of becoming the biggest ‘it story’ in all of history, if they decide to attend the coronation.

Even Former Conservative minister Ann Widdecombe fears the same and offered his take on the entire issue.

For those unversed, the conversation arose once Mr Morgan asked, “what do we do about the royals?”

To this, Ms Widdecombe said, “First of all, I do not think that Harry and Meghan should be at the coronation.”

For one very simple reason, if they’re there, they then become the story.”

Not to mention, “heaven knows private conversations will also be very uneasy. So I do not think they should come to the coronation.”

When asked if Prince Andrew’s presence could cause similar headlines, Ms Widdecombe claimed, “I don’t think it matter whether Andrew’s there or not because I rather think he will just be in the background and he’s not gonna take all the camera.”;

Even Mr Morgan agreed and added, “If I were the Royal Family I wouldn’t trust the Sussexes as far as I could throw them.”

It also follows a similar sentiment by The Times Royal Correspondent Valentine Low who fears King Charles not inviting the Sussexes would wind up looking “petty and vindictive.”