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Prince Harry issues statement on story pitting him against Britons

Prince Harry issues statement on story pitting him against Britons

By Web Desk
December 05, 2022
Prince Harry issues statement on story pitting him against Britons

Prince Harry on Sunday reacted to a story published in The Sun which said he bragged "those Brits need to learn a lesson."

According to the newspaper, the Duke of Sussex said this after filming his 2021 Oprah interview.

A Sussex spokesperson called the article "a baseless hit piece masquerading as journalism. . . riddled with inaccuracies"

"It said, "To accuse a man who spent 10 years serving his country of wanting to teach that same country a lesson is not an attempted distraction but an unfortunate and predictable tabloid strategy."

Below is the full statement issued by the spokesperson: 

Prince Harry issues statement on story pitting him against Britons