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King Charles’ getting ‘overwhelmed with Prince Harry, Meghan Markle’s scandal’

King Charles is feeling ‘overwhelmed’ with the ongoing struggles of Prince Harry, Meghan Markle

By Web Desk
November 24, 2022

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King Charles has reportedly been feeling ‘very overwhelmed’ with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s continued scandals.

This warning has been shared by royal author and biographer Christopher Andersen, in his interview with Podcast Royal.

His claim has come just a day after Express UK’ s poll about King Charles’ popularity came out.

Mr Andersen beleives, “I think one mistake people make is to assume he [Charles] is going to be a placeholder for William — that he’s going to keep the throne warm as it were.”

“He’s going to be an activist and he’s going to leave his mark on history. He has waited so long for this moment. Edward VII waited 59 years, but Charles has waited 70 years.”

“I think he is going to take the bull by the horns in terms of streamlining the monarchy; he’s already talked about rethinking how the monarchy is funded if he can. I’m sure he is going to express his opinions in private to the Prime Minister every week.”

“But unfortunately, he may be overwhelmed by scandal. The key to his reign is winning the affection of his people, but that’s hard to do when you’ve got a rebel prince in Montecito constantly making headlines and embarrassing revelations.”