Tuesday September 10, 2024

Failed app

By News Desk
November 20, 2023
Failed app

The Project Management System (PMS) app, for marking the attendance of teachers in Sindh, was basically initiated to identify ‘ghost’ teachers. But, due to poor programming and a weak system, this app has become an obstacle for the honest teachers as well. Due to a lot of traffic at the same time on the app, it takes more than half an hour while punching in or out. If a teacher fails to punch in or out in due time, he/she has to write a reason there to avoid adverse consequences.

This app also requires an internet connection which is a major challenge, especially for those in the rural areas of Sindh. The most appropriate and suitable way to monitor the attendance of teachers is to fix a biometric device in each school instead of wasting resources on faulty systems.

Syed Farman Ali Shah
