Monday June 17, 2024

'Meghan Markle had 'zero access' in Jubilee': Duchess new tell-all questioned

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry do not deserve big payment for new tell-all, says Britons

By Web Desk
June 25, 2022
Meghan Markle had zero access in Jubilee: Duchess new tell-all questioned
'Meghan Markle had 'zero access' in Jubilee': Duchess new tell-all questioned

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry  missed 99% of the Jubilee, dub royal critics.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who sat in with Oprah Winfrey to talk about Megxit in 2021, are tipped for another interview after their recent visit to UK in the light of Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

UK, royal expert Neil Sean claims: "All the TV broadcasters around the world are looking to put together specials on the Platinum Jubilee, particularly for their year-end things.

"American networks are very keen on is to sit down with Harry and Meghan to get their take on what has been spectacular years.

"I've been told that Australian TV too are interested particularly all the mainstream media now.

"When you think about it that could be a big pay deal for Harry and Meghan," noted Mr Sean.

The comments, however, did not sit in well with netizens, who went on to mock the Sussex couple over their lack of attention to the events.

"What have they to talk about, they missed 99% of it?" wrote one.

"What special knowledge do they have about the Platinum Jubilee? They came, Harry glowered, they tried to get photos to merch, they felt offended (which they always do), and they rabbitted back home on a very expensive, highly polluting private jet."

"Why would anyone pay them as they had zero access?" questioned a third.

"Oprah interview is still fresh in the Royal Family's minds" and while "the threat of more books in the pipeline", the user argued there is "no way back for him".