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Prince Harry makes desperate attempts to seek attention amid rift with William

The rivalry between the two brothers has made Harry make desperate attempts at grabbing attention

By Web Desk
August 24, 2021

Prince Harry makes desperate attempts to seek attention amid rift with William

Prince Harry was slammed for 'showing off' and trying to appear more important than Prince William. 

The rivalry between the two brothers has made Harry make desperate attempts at grabbing attention. 

The Duke of Sussex's biographer Angela Levin told TalkRadio, "Yes it has gone away and I’ve thought about it, why I feel so strongly and one reason that has come to me is that when he was at Eton he hated being there and he decided he was going to be with the bad boys and I think Harry has got this streak, a lot of us have but we put it to one side of being bad and showing up," she said. 

Levin added, "I think he is also looking to be more important than William and so he has got the ability now to do and say things that probably he couldn’t do before and he can enjoy being naughty like he was playing with balls outside (during Meghan’s video).”

Talking about how Harry arrived at a polo match in a private jet, the biographer blasted, “It shows A they are out of touch and B that they are huge hypocrites.

"They tell all the world what we have to do, it is very important we must do it, but they don’t think they are involved in that, they have exception because they are so grand and they are so important. But these private jets have at least 10 times more damage to the atmosphere than a commercial jet and 50 times more damage than if he went by train but of course none of this applies to him.

"I think it is outrageous actually but it is the same as when he says we all have to be compassionate when they are not compassionate to their own parents and family, that we can only have two children when it’s none of his business really and jet sets.”