Tuesday June 04, 2024

Did the Avengers just assemble at the Wimbledon final?

In a tweet made by the official Wimbledon handle, some of the Avengers stars were spotted taking in the longest Wimbledon final between Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic.

By Web Desk
July 15, 2019

As the intense Wimbledon final caught the attention of nearly the entire globe, the earth’s mightiest heroes, the star cast of ‘Avengers’ could not keep themselves detached either.

In a tweet made by the official Wimbledon handle, some of the Avengers stars were spotted taking in the longest Wimbledon final between Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic.

In a witty reference to the Marvel franchise, the caption along with the pictures read: “They're there something we should know about? #Wimbledon.”

In another tweet, the handle announces their return as Tom Hiddleston who plays Loki in the 'Thor' franchise and Benedict Cumberbatch who essays the role of Dr Steven Strange in his standalone film 'Dr Strange', can be seen sharing smiles in the crowd.

Apart from these two, Tom Holland who plays Peter Parker aka Spider-Man was also spotted enjoying the match on the stands.