Thursday May 02, 2024

Game of thrones Season 8: All you wanted to know!

By Web Desk
August 29, 2018

HBO unleashed the roster of their upcoming shows including “Game of Thrones” of which the trailer for Season 8 has already made the fans of famous show crazy.

There have been small hints over what the final series will focus on, as well as slithers of information on when the new series is starting giving few leaks about the upcoming season since the filming began.

Game of Thrones Season 8 was originally slated to return in late 2018 or early 2019. Sophie Turner, who plays Sansa, previously suggested that the show would return in 2019 during an interview with ‘Variety’, and HBO officially confirmed the news on January 4, simultaneously.

Moreover, there will only be six episodes of the final season in total, according to a statement made by HBO but they'll all be feature length, meaning that they could be anything from an hour to two hours long. The creators of the show are taking their sweet time to "craft the final six episodes" possible," Bloys told Entertainment Weekly back in January.

Those are also expected to be the six most expensive episodes in TV history. Back in September 2017 Variety reported that each episode is estimated to have cost at least $15 million trumping over ‘The Crown as the most expensive show ever.