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Timing of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's eviction from UK home questioned

Timing of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's eviction from UK home questioned

By Web Desk
March 04, 2023
Timing of Prince Harry and Meghan Markles eviction from UK home questioned

The timing of the announcement that Prince Harry has been evicted from Frogmore Cottage was a plot to shift attention away from the King Charles meeting with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, according to a royal expert. reported that the European Commission President joined Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in Windsor to announce a new Brexit framework for Northern Ireland, finally moving past a stalemate which has left the country in limbo for months.

The report said it was the monarch's decision to take part in a photo opportunity with von der Leyen which provoked a backlash in some quarters.

Royal expert Afua Hagan thinks that the story was leaked as a “distraction” from “the real royal story this week” - Charles’s meeting with Von der Leyen.

She told Daily Express, “This has come out because of the real royal story, which was the King’s involvement and discussions with Brexit and Northern Ireland. That’s why this has come out as a distraction.”