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Prince Harry, Meghan Markle warned by their own friend Omid Scobie

Royal biographer Omid Scobie says Meghan Markle, Prince Harry have put themselves in a "risky spot"

By Web Desk
January 26, 2023
Prince Harry, Meghan Markle warned by their own friend Omid Scobie

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's pal and royal biographer Omid Scobie has advised the couple to not let their loyal supporters turn against them with their repeated stunts.

The author of Finding Freedom, while speaking on Royally Obsessed podcast, claimed that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have put themselves in a "risky spot".

When asked whether he thought people were experiencing fatigue from Harry and Meghan, Omid responded as saying: "In many ways, how can a regular person not have Sussex fatigue at this point?

"I almost feel it's like my duty to follow it every step of the way, but I can understand how general members of the public have just had enough of hearing about the royal dramas in general.

"I sympathise with the Sussexes in some ways, because they're only now getting to join the story at this very late stage."

He added: "So now they've come in with their versions of events, with their stories and are filling in the gaps that we didn't know about. But of course, it comes after years and years of coverage. So I think people are starting to get a little tired of the story in general.”

Omid went on suggesting the couple: "So I think that now is the time where they have to move forward as well. Otherwise, they'll become synonymous with drama for the rest of their lives, just like [what] the Royal Family struggles with and I don't think that that's a place that anyone particularly wants to be."