Thursday April 25, 2024

Is this my bill?

June 19, 2018

According to the bill issued by KE, the consumption in our household has been 1,901 units during the last month. The prior bills – for the two consecutive months before the last month – showed the consumption of 914 and 755 units. It is unbelievable how can electric consumption be doubled within a month – when I know that there has been no additional usage. Since receiving this bill, I have been observing the consumption of electricity on a daily basis. The meter shows the consumption between 45 and 48 units daily (around 1,300 units per month, which is still at least 600 units lesser than the amount shown in my current bill).

In this regard, I approached the IBC concerned with the complaint of excessive billing and requested the person to recheck the meter reading. However, I was impolitely told that I have to pay as per the meter reading. When I discussed the issue with my neighbours, I was informed that a majority of houses have been overbilled. Is this what KE should be doing? The KE authorities always come forward to boast about how they have people’s interest in its goals and vision. How can they justify this unjust billing?

Akram Qureshi ( Karachi )