Sunday June 16, 2024

Meghan Markle defended amid brutal dig at ‘toxic waste heap’ Royal Family

Meghan Markle being hailed for her ‘brave escape’ from the ‘toxic waste heap’ of Royal Family

By Web Desk
July 13, 2022

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Meghan Markle is recently being lauded for leaving the ‘toxic waste heap’ Royal Family.

This has been offered by Dolly Parton’s sister Stella Parton.

According to a report by Express UK, she was quoted lauding Prine Harry for ‘manning up’ and even admitted, “I don’t blame Harry for manning up and getting his family away from that toxic waste heap.”

“Harry committed a cardinal sin, he married a mixed race, beautiful, American woman.”

“Had he chosen a wife like his father did, no one would have had a problem.”

Before concluding she even added in a sly dig against the guests at Meghan’s wedding, adding how, “When those kids walked into that church everyone was jealous and treated Harry and his gorgeous, talented, brilliant wife like outcasts. I smell jealousy a mile away.”