Monday June 17, 2024

Prince William bashes Meghan Markle for ‘merciless’ treatment towards Prince William

Meghan Markle bashed by Prince William for ‘merciless treatment’ of royal staffers

By Web Desk
June 26, 2021
Prince William bashes Meghan Markle for ‘merciless’ treatment towards Prince William
Prince William bashes Meghan Markle for ‘merciless’ treatment towards Prince William

Meghan Markle recently got bashed by Prince William for being ‘merciless’ towards royal staffers during her time within the palace.

The claim has been made by royal author Robert Lacey and during his interview with Express he was quoted saying, “Some inching towards reconciliation seemed in progress, their watching friends dared to dream— as did the whole world.”

“But those hopes were dashed within minutes of the siblings getting inside the castle and beyond camera vision. They started quarrelling again.”

“There they were, at each other's throats as fiercely as ever,' relates one long-time friend with a tired and helpless shrug. The rage and anger between those two has grown so incredibly deep.”

“Too many harsh and wounding things have been said. So there's the bad news. The conflict between Diana's two bitterly divided sons does not seem likely to end any time soon.”