Sunday June 16, 2024

Queen Elizabeth ‘disappointed’ about Harry, Meghan giving Christmas in UK a miss

Queen Elizabeth II was quite disappointed as she had been “missing” Harry and Archie

By Web Desk
October 20, 2020

Queen Elizabeth II is reportedly quite disheartened to hear the news about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle scraping plans of spending Christmas in the UK.

It was reported that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex would head back to the UK ahead of their court date but would be spending their Christmas away from the royals for the second time in a row, in their new home in California.

Royal editor of Vanity Fair, Katie Nicholl said that the couple is quite elated to give their son his first American Christmas in California.

They will then travel to the UK after a few days before Meghan’s first court hearing on January 11 in the High Court case against the Mail on Sunday.

According to reports, they are thought to self-isolate at Frogmore Cottage after arriving in the UK.

However, hearing the news about Harry, Meghan and Archie giving Christmas a miss at Sandringham, Queen Elizabeth II was quite disappointed as she had been “missing” her grandson and her great-grandson.