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Andrew Scott gives cold stare to audience member during Hamlet performance: Here’s why

Andrew Scott opens up about stage experience on Happy Sad Confused podcast

By Web Desk
January 03, 2024
Andrew Scott reveals why he stopped Hamlet performance
Andrew Scott reveals why he stopped Hamlet performance 

Andrew Scott has recently confessed he halted his Hamlet performance after an audience member opened their laptop.

During an appearance on Happy Sad Confused podcast, the Irish actor, who played in the famous Shakespeare tragedy, revealed he had to stop his performance because one of the members disturbed him by taking out their laptop to answer emails mid-show.

“When I was playing Hamlet, a guy took out his laptop — not his phone, his laptop — while I was in the middle of "to be or not to be,” said the 47-year-old.

Andrew mentioned, “I was pausing and [the stage team] were like, ‘Get on with it’ and I was like, ‘There’s no way. I stopped for ages.’”

Andrew disclosed that the woman beside the rude member alerted him and caused him to finally put his computer away.

“He had absolutely no doubts,” added the Play actor.

This isn’t the first time that stars were disturbed by onlookers. In 2009, Hugh Jackman and Daniel Craig confronted a theatre goer whose phone went off during their Broadway play, A Steady Rain.

Hugh paused his performance and addressed the phone’s owner, “You want to get that? You want to get it? Grab it. I don't care.”

However, the ringing continued and the Wolverine star was annoyed, and stated, “Come on, just turn it off. Unless you've got a better story. You want to get up and tell your stories?”

Another incident happened in 2006 when late actor Richard Griffiths warned the audience that he would leave the stage during The History Boys performance.

He said, “You should be ashamed of yourselves. I am not going to compete with these electronic devices. You were told to turn them off by the stage manager, you were told it was against the law.”