Saturday October 05, 2024

Prince Harry is ‘being set up to skewer himself’ in hacking trial

Prince Harry is reportedly being ‘geared up’ to get himself ‘completely skewered’ in the UK

By Web Desk
June 08, 2023
Prince Harry is ‘being set up to skewer himself’ in hacking trial
Prince Harry is ‘being set up to skewer himself’ in hacking trial

Prince Harry is reportedly being set up to ‘totally skewer himself’ in a British courtroom.

Insights into Prince Harry’s body language during the entire court appearance have bene brought to light by the Telegraph’s Victoria Ward.

For those unversed, Ms Ward was present in the court, during the trial and noted that “Harry was softly spoken – at one point he was asked to speak up – and answered the questions curtly.”

But “having covered the royal family on and off for many years, it was clear to me that he was uncomfortable.”

“There were few if any of the easy smiles that come so readily when he is doing something he loves.”

“I’m not sure he even realised he was being set up to skewer himself or that, to the onlookers in court, it did not appear to be going well.”