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Prince Harry blames tabloids for casting ‘doubt’ in relationship with Caroline Flack

Prince Harry had a brief fling in 2009 with late Caroline Flack after being introduced by their mutual friend

By Web Desk
June 08, 2023
Prince Harry blames tabloids for casting ‘doubt’ in relationship with Caroline Flack
Prince Harry blames tabloids for casting ‘doubt’ in relationship with Caroline Flack

Prince Harry had an emotionally exhausting day in court as he detailed some tough incidents leading him to doubt his loved ones.

The Duke of Sussex, 38, opened up about his past relationship with late ex-girlfriend, Caroline Flack, who died by suicide in 2020, as he took the witness stand on Wednesday, June 7, for his phone hacking lawsuit.

Harry claimed in his testimony the Mirror Group Newspapers “unlawfully” gathered images of himself and those around him, especially citing an incident in 2009 when paparazzi were to his location while spending a night with Flack, via Us Weekly.

“I remember this article, and these photographs, so clearly because at the time, I was so shocked — and livid — that the two photographers from IKON Pictures knew where we would be and were already there, waiting for us to arrive,” Harry wrote.

“They were hiding underneath a car. These photographers became known to me as there were numerous highly suspicious, and often dangerous, incidents involving them.”

In the court, Harry detailed that he invited Flack at his friend Mark Dyer’s apartment for “poker night.”

“Caroline and I had been in contact for a couple of weeks. As Caroline was always of great interest to the [media outlets], she was often hounded by them, we had expected that meeting at Marko’s would be low key and private,” Harry explained.

“It was only the second time we met in person; I think. Marko and I had exchanged voicemails about the night we had planned, and given the way I left, there’s no way I could have been followed coming down from Lincolnshire. Only Marko, Caroline and I knew of the plans, there was only a couple of other people invited and I don’t think they knew that Caroline would be joining us.”

He continued, “Given the fact only the three of us knew the plan, I was highly suspicious and convinced someone had leaked the information to the press. I was angry. I hadn’t told anybody.”

“The evening was specifically between me [and] Caroline, who is no longer with us.”

Harry stated that now he believes that the “information had come from our voicemails — mine, Marko’s or Caroline’s.” He added, “The impact these kinds of stories had on my relationships cannot be underestimated. Even those I trusted the most, I ended up doubting.”

The pair had a brief fling in 2009 after being introduced by their mutual friend, Caroline Pinkham.