ISLAMABAD: Former Senate chairman Mian Raza Rabbani said the order of production issued by the Senate chairman or National Assembly (NA) speaker are mandatory in nature and have to be complied with by the federal, provincial governments and non-compliance of it is a contempt of Parliament.
“The non-compliance by any government federal, provincial or any other department or body of the order of production issued under Rule 84 and Rule 108, respectively, of the Senate and National Assembly, rules amounts to a contempt of a ruling issued by the chairman or speaker and consequently constitute a contempt of Parliament,” he said in a statement on Wednesday.
Rabbani said that the presiding officers of both houses should guard against the violation of their order and the contempt of Parliament.
He said if any such order of production has been non-complied with, the concerned presiding officer should issue contempt notices to the concerned officer/officials of the relevant government and or departments.
He said it is a fact that the federal government continues to violate the Constitution 1973, particularly in terms of the NFC Award and also by non-summoning the meeting of the Council of Common Interest (CCI).
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