Islamabad: A married woman was raped in her apartment in Sector E-11, Wednesday night, police said. The victim lodged a complaint with the Golra Police Station accusing a person who introduced himself as a government official. The police sent her for a medical examination, which confirmed the rape.
Petition stated that it had repeatedly been denied permission to hold rallies in Lahore on political grounds
Figure shows that on average, 208 criminal cases are reported on a daily basis in city, with snatching and stealing of...
Two provincial governments have developed a census of opinion on controversial issues about fisheries sector, and...
Single PHC bench of Justice Shakeel Ahmad directed Naeem Panjutha to appear before relevant courts in connection with...
President said that the Holy Prophet established a just society where every individual, regardless of their wealth or...
Omar Mansoor inaugurated the 20th presence in the London Fashion Week with his collection titled, ‘Meluhas’