Sunday June 16, 2024

FO says Pakistan does not agree with Tillerson’s comments

By Web Desk
December 14, 2017

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan does not agree with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s comments and perception, said Foreign Office Spokesman here Thursday.

In a twitter message, Spokesperson Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr Mohammad Faisal said, “We do not agree with the comments and perception of Secretary Tillerson. Pakistan has undertaken large scale operations against terrorists and their safe havens across the length and breadth of the country with notable success.”

Dr Faisal went on to say, “These operations are being carried out in our own national interest and Pakistan is determined to rid it's soil of the scourge of terrorism and extremism.”

It may be noted here that Rex Tillerson had said that he does not enjoy dealing with Pakistan.

On Tuesday, in year-end remarks to staff, Tillerson spoke at length about the global issues and challenges the State Department faces internally and at the international level.

"Look, this is a hard job," Tillerson said at the town hall, when asked to comment on his assessment after one year in the office.

"It's difficult because of the complexity of the issues." Tillerson said that in his previous job as Exxon Mobil CEO, "I didn't have to spend a lot of time worrying about children being killed, people's rights, dignity being violated in unimaginable ways."

"The actual task at hand, dealing with North Korea, I don't enjoy that," he said. "Dealing with Pakistan, I don't enjoy," he added, and then went on to say that he drew pleasure from getting to know the staff. "I am enjoying it more," he said of the job. "When I say I'm learning to enjoy it, I am, because I'm getting to know all of you better."

In our efforts with Pakistan, Pakistan is still an important and valued partner of the United States, he noted.