Monday June 17, 2024

Prince William, Kate Middleton advised to scrub down 'fake' image

The Prince and Princess of Wales have been labeled as 'inauthentic' as the pair struggle to improve their popularity

By Web Desk
October 29, 2023

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Prince William and Kate Middleton were advised to maintain an image of authenticity as the couple would later become the future King and Queen of Britain.

As per reputation manager Eric Schiffer, while speaking to DailyStar, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge needed to be wary of the lasting impact of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s accusations in their interviews, documentaries and books.

He elaborated that the Sussexes’ verbal war brought upon an air of inauthenticity that younger audiences generally do not appreciate.

In order to combat this, Schiffer advised the Prince and Princess of Wales to champion causes that would be close to younger audiences.

"William and Kate have a good initial foundation to keep the royal family going, but it requires their focus on issues that matter to young people," he said.

"The Sussex's information war weaponised against the royal family that appeared like Harry was out for William and the King's scalp brought incoming missiles and an impression with many young people that the fairy tale image was fake and inauthentic.

"Gen Z and younger millennials hate inauthenticity."