PARACHINAR/ KOHAT: Ad viser to Chief Minister on In formation Barrister Muham mad Ali Saif on Wednesday said that the main roads in Kurram district would soon be reopened for public use. Addressing a grand jirga in Kohat, he said that the bunkers along key routes would be removed with the support of local communities. “Disarming the district of heavy weaponry is imperative for lasting peace,” he added. Calling for unity and co operation to restore peace and resolve ongoing issues, he said, “We must eradicate hatred; the conflict will natu rally subside.” The provincial govern ment, he said, would con tinue providing medical sup plies via helicopter services and was considering the restoration of airtravel to the region with a final decision expected in the coming days. Barrister Saif said that both parties desired peace, but certain elements benefit ing from the unrest were ob structing it. He urged the public to assist in identifying these elements, assuring that the government would take strict action against them. “I am hopeful that the ceasefire will be sustained,” he re marked. Referring to the Murree Agreement, he lamented that its implemen tation could have prevented the current bloodshed. “The issue of law and orderin Kur ram has persisted for genera tions. This jirga must find a permanent solution so future
generations can live in peace,” he urged. Barrister Saif reiterated the provincial government’s commitment to standing with the people of Kurram and en suring sustainable peace. He said that the government had established a supervisory committee at the provincial level, comprising senior offi cials from the civil adminis tration and law enforcement agencies, to address the on going challenges. “We have gathered here today as proof of our collec tive desire for enduring peace,” said Barrister Saif. Meanwhile, the residents of Kurram continued to face hardships as key transporta tion routes remained closed due to clashes and attacks on passenger convoys. The closure of the main highway and the Afghan bor der has disrupted the supply of essential goods, including food, fuel, and medicines, leaving many communities in dire straits. The District Bar Association, Kurram, has also called for the immediate reopening and securing of the Peshawar-Parachinar road. The association has warned of launching a protest campaign if its de mands were not met
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