Karachi, once a beacon of hope and opportunity, is now a city in freefall. This metropolis, renowned for its vibrant culture and economic dynamism, is being strangled by a confluence of crises. A toxic brew of environmental degradation, infrastructure collapse, and rampant crime has transformed Karachi into a shadow of its former self. This perfect storm of crises has had a devastating impact on the lives of the city’s residents. The root causes of Karachi's decline are complex and multifaceted. Decades of mismanagement, corruption, and short-sighted policies have created a toxic environment in which the city's problems have festered and grown.
The silence of the ruling PPP on these critical issues is deafening and their apparent indifference to the plight of Karachi's residents is a betrayal of the people’s trust. It is imperative that urgent and comprehensive measures be taken to address the challenges facing Karachi. Investing in public health, infrastructure, and security is essential. Strengthening environmental regulations and promoting sustainable development are also crucial. Most importantly, there is a need for good governance and political will to turn the city around.
Majid Burfat
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