Monday February 10, 2025

Qeemat Punjab App price list not updated

By Jawwad Rizvi
December 09, 2024
This image taken on December 8, 2024, shows a user opening Qeemat Punjab mobile application on his phone in Karachi. —
This image taken on December 8, 2024, shows a user opening Qeemat Punjab mobile application on his phone in Karachi. —

LAHORE : No action has yet been taken by the authorities concerned on outdated rate list of perishable items, including fruits, vegetables and meat on the Qeemat Punjab App as the prices were not updated this Sunday as well.

The Qeemat Punjab App shows Saturday rates on Sunday as well while the Sunday is considered to be the highest sales day of perishable items as people do their weekly grocery shopping on Sunday.

The district administration asked the citizens to check the rates of the perishable on Qeemat Punjab App while doing shopping to check the overcharging by the sellers. However, how one buyer can cross check the rates when the Qeemat Punjab App did not update the rate lists timely. The situation raised the serious question on the coordination between the different government departments alongside the performance of the elected representatives.

This week mainly increasing trend in the prices of perishable was recorded as majority of vegetable rates increased alongside open overcharging by the sellers.

This week price of chicken declined by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs304-318 per kg, sold at Rs400-430 per kg and chicken meat by Rs14 per kg, fixed at Rs461 per kg, and sold at Rs500-800 per kg. The price of potato soft skin A-grade was further declined by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs85-90 per kg, sold at Rs130-150 per kg, B-grade at Rs75-80 per kg and C-grade at Rs65-70 per kg, mixed sold at Rs100-120 per kg. The price of onion A-grade reduced by Rs7 per kg, fixed at Rs130-138 per kg, sold at Rs180-200 per kg, B-grade at Rs118-125 per kg, and C-grade at Rs105-110 per kg, mixed sold at Rs140-150 per kg.

The price of tomato A-grade reduced by Rs44 per kg, fixed at Rs90-96 per kg, sold at Rs160-200 per kg, B-grade fixed at Rs75-80 per kg, and C-grade at Rs65-70 kg, mixed sold at Rs120-150 per kg.

The price of garlic local increased by Rs20 per kg, fixed at Rs510-530 per kg, sold at Rs800 per kg, Garlic GI variety by Rs30 per kg, fixed at Rs315-330 per kg, sold at Rs400-450 per kg and Garlic China reduced by Rs45 per kg, fixed at Rs610-630 per kg, sold at Rs800-1,000 per kg. The price of both Ginger Cucumber Farm declined by Rs40 per kg, fixed at Rs28-30 per kg, sold at Rs80-100 per kg, and cucumber local by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs57-60 per kg, not sold. Brinjal price reduced by Rs10 per kg, unchanged at Rs37-40 per kg, sold at Rs100-120 per kg.

Bitter gourd price surged by Rs20 per kg, fixed at Rs115-120 per kg, sold at Rs200-250 per kg. The price of Spinach reduced by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs33-35, sold at Rs60-80 per kg. Pumpkin price increased by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs95-100 per kg, sold at Rs180-200 per kg.

The price of different variety of apples fixed at Rs100-235 per kg, sold at Rs150-450 per kg. The price of Banana A-category increased by Rs5 per dozen, fixed at Rs125-130 per dozen, sold at Rs160-180 per dozen, and B-category fixed at Rs76-80 per dozen, sold at Rs130-140 per dozen, and C-category at Rs57-60 per dozen, sold at Rs100-120 per dozen. Pomegranate danaydar increased by Rs20 per kg, fixed at Rs345-360 per kg, sold at Rs450-500 per kg, pomegranate kandahari gained by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs200-300 per kg, sold at Rs280-450, pomegranate Bedana unchanged at Rs530-550 per kg, sold at Rs800-1,000 per kg.

Citrus fruit gained by Rs30 per dozen, fixed at Rs60-150 per dozen, sold at Rs250 per dozen. Fruiter gained by Rs20 per dozen, fixed at Rs55-160 per dozen, sold at Rs180-300 per dozen.