Saturday June 01, 2024

World rallies reduce India’s independence day to a Black Day

Kashmir issue will reach every forum including the UN Security Council and we will expose India’s plans in front of the whole world, he added. He said face of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is exposed in front of the world and after 50 years, the case of Kashmir has reached the Security Council and we have told American representative that India is trying to divert the attention from the Afghan peace process.

By Murtaza Ali Shah
August 16, 2019

ISLAMABAD/ LAHORE/ LONDON: In protest against India’s unilateral action to scrap the special status of occupied Kashmir, the Indian independence day was observed as ‘black day’ across Pakistan, on both sides of the Line of Control (LoC), and in various cities of the world including London.

Historic rallies and big protest demonstrations were held in all major cities of Pakistan, Azad Kashmir, various capitals of the world countries to protest continuing curfew and complete communication blackout in held Kashmir, genocide of Kashmiri Muslims and atrocities being committed by the Indian army in the held Valley.

In Lahore, a large number of people attended the Kashmir rally on Thursday to express solidarity with the Kashmiris fighting Indian oppression in held Kashmir. The rally, led by Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar, Governor Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar and Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, echoed with the slogans of ‘Kashmir Baney Ga Pakistan’. Noted participants in the rally, which started from Governor’s House and concluded at the Punjab Assembly building, included Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Kashmiri Hurriyat leader Yasin Malik’s wife Mishal Malik, Pakistan Muslim League-Q (ML-Q) Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT), Majlis Wahdatul Muslimeen, other religious and political party workers.

Speaking on the occasion, the foreign minister said even today Kashmir is the jugular vein of Pakistan and we are standing in support with them till the last drop of our blood. Kashmir issue will reach every forum including the UN Security Council and we will expose India’s plans in front of the whole world, he added. He said face of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is exposed in front of the world and after 50 years, the case of Kashmir has reached the Security Council and we have told American representative that India is trying to divert the attention from the Afghan peace process. “Today, I want to convey to all political parties that this is no time to do politics; we have to stand united with Kashmir so that the message is delivered to India and rest of the world that Kashmir issue has to be resolved according to the UN resolutions.”

While addressing the rally, the governor said Modi is ‘butcher of Gujrat’; no minority including Muslims are safe in India and Modi is killing Kashmiris on a large scale using the power of gun.

The governor said India could do anything, but it will have to solve Kashmir according to the UN resolutions eventually. Today, people of Pakistan gave the message to India that we are standing with Kashmiris and we will not hesitate from giving any sacrifice and In-sha-Allah that day is not far when Kashmir will become Pakistan and Indian atrocities will end forever.

The chief minister said the enthusiasm of the participants in the rally is unprecedented. Today there is only one slogan Pakistani are shouting and that is “Kashmir will become Pakistan”. For the past 70 years, India is trying to suppress the voice of Kashmiris, using hundreds of thousands of soldiers’ guns and bullets but the enthusiasm of Kashmiris is still alive, he added.

He announced that in every district, we would name a road as Kashmir Road, in every division a park will be named after Kashmir and every week we will hold symbolic protest over Kashmir issue.

He paid tribute to prime minister and army chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa for vigorously projecting the Kashmir case. United Nations should take notice of continuous violation of LoC and Indian atrocities in held Kashmir, he added.

At the end of his speech, the chief minister raised slogans of “Pakistan Zindabad” and “Kashmir Baney Ga Pakistan”. Mishal Malik said today our Kashmiri brothers and sisters are burning and lots of atrocities were being inflicted on them. India has broken hell on Kashmiris and Indian Army was massively killing Kashmiris, she said adding that the UN and all international organisations should help Kashmiris against the Indian atrocities.

Special events were also conducted across country for expressing solidarity with Kashmiris. The Punjab government had issued instructions to all commissioners, deputy commissioners and heads of government institutions of 36 districts to wear black armbands as protest against Narendra Modi government, at the rallies.

The deputy commissioners and police officers were also directed to ensure foolproof security at the rallies.

Activists of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) held a demonstration in front of the Indian High Commission (HC) in the federal capital to observe India’s Independence Day as black day against its atrocities and brutalities in the occupied Kashmir.

Addressing the participants, PTI Secretary General Aamir Mehmood Kiani said observance of black day was aimed at expressing indignation at Indian repression in held Kashmir. He said the Indian occupation forces had been continuing the worst atrocities and state terrorism against the people of Kashmir, who were struggling for their right to self-determination. He said the Kashmiris had been facing severe shortage of food and medicines due to continuing curfew.

He said Kashmir was Pakistan’s jugular vein and it would not show any flexibility and take all steps for giving Kashmiris their right to self-determination.

PTI leader Asad Umar said Kashmir was a disputed territory and matters pertaining to it could only be resolved under the United Nations Security Council resolutions. He said the violence, curfew, ferocity, brutality and detentions could never stop the freedom movements. Guns could not dampen the morale and the freedom struggle of Kashmiris, he added.

A PTI delegation also presented a memorandum to the representatives of United Nations mission and Indian High Commission to convey the feelings and concerns of the people of Pakistan about the atrocities being committed by the Indian occupation forces.

Refugees from Jammu and Kashmir settled in Sialkot and Narowal districts also observed India’s independence as a black day. They lauded the efforts of Pakistan government for taking bold stand on Kashmir issue and exposing the Indian atrocities in held Kashmir.

Expressing their satisfaction, they said the Pakistan government had highlighted the current situation on different international forums as a result of which the international community was realising the gravity of the Kashmir dispute.

Talking to the media, Muhammad Latif Butt and Aslam Ahmed Dar said the Kashmir issue had been highlighted at the international forums and its credit went to Prime Minister Imran Khan.

A big rally was also taken out to expressing solidarity with Kashmiris and observing Indian independence day as black day.

Addressing the rally, speakers urged the international community to force Indian government to lift curfew and release Kashmiri leaders immediately.

Another rally was also staged which was led by MPA Syeda Farah. A large number of people including women and children participated in the rally.

A gathering of Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N) was held in Azad Kashmir to express solidarity with Kashmiris, while the Hurriyat leaders held a demonstration outside the Indian High Commission and a rally in Rawalpindi.

Black flags were hoisted on rooftops and vehicles across Pakistan and Azad Kashmir, while protest rallies were taken out in all small and major cities of the country. Talking to APP, a spokesperson for AJK government said, “Participants in the protest rallies wore black arm bands and black flags were hoisted atop the buildings by the protesting Kashmiris at both sides of the LoC.”

Anti-India rallies were staged in all major cities including AJK capital Muzaffarabad and all nine district headquarters of Mirpur, Kotli, Bagh, Bhimber, Palandri, Rawalakot, Haveli, Jhelum Valley and Neelum Valley.

In London nearly 20,000 protestors, waving Pakistani and Kashmiri flags, gathered outside the Indian High Commission, as Central London came to a complete halt in support of the Kashmiri people and against Narendra Modi’s revocation of Article 370.

The unprecedented show of outrage against Modi was unique in its nature as those who assembled belonged to all nations and they came together to show solidarity with the oppressed people of Kashmir. The massive protest defied all assessments of the police and organisers of the rally.

Prime Minister Imran Khan’s special adviser on overseas Pakistanis, Zulfi Bukhari, especially travelled from Pakistan to attend the protest and addressed the charged rally. Several British parliamentarians addressed the rally and condemned inhuman treatment of eight million Kashmiris by the Indian army. Shabana Mahmood MP, Khalid Mahmood MP, Lord Nazir Ahmed, Muhammad Yasin, Muhammad Yaseen MP, Lian Burn MP, George Galloway and others addressed the mammoth crowd.

The speakers condemned India’s decision to revoke special status of occupied Kashmir, along with a communications blackout and curbs on movement, causing fury worldwide. The protestors were carrying placards inscribed with slogans including ‘Kashmir is Burning’, ‘Free Kashmir’, ‘Modi is Hitler’, ‘Kashmir Banega Pakistan’, ‘Kashmir wants freedom’, and ‘Modi: Make Tea Not War’.

Many protesters had come to the capital from other English cities by chartered buses.

Zulfi Bukhari thanked the protestors on behalf of the Pakistani government.

He said: “We stand here united for the people of Kashmir and their human rights. I congratulate all of you for putting aside your differences and for standing for the rights of Kashmiris.

“We are here as one nation and one people. Under Modi, there is a fascist, racist regime killing Kashmiris, Muslims, Christians and minorities.

“Modi has a history of massacring minorities and the man doing this all is called the butcher of Gujarat.”

The parliamentarians said it was essential for the whole world to take a stand against Modi and save Kashmiris from ethnic cleansing. They said Modi posed threat to endangered communities and especially minorities of India.

Former British MP George Galloway said: “Modi has taken the world to the brink of war — nuclear war — and as a result risked the safety and security of people all over the world.”

More than 300 police security officers were on duty. There were brief incidents of violence as protestors clashed with the police.

The trouble began when around two dozen supporters of the Indian government also appeared to stage protest in support of Modi, but they left as a number of Kashmiri protestors kept swelling throughout. The police detained a few protestors. A group of pro-Khalistan people set Indian flag on fire at the doorsteps of India House.

Kashmiris were joined by a group of Sikhs, who carried the flag of Khalistan and raised it outside the India House as a mark of defiance.

The protest received coverage on English media as BBC, SKY, ITV, Reuters and Press Association covered the event.

Protest rallies were also taken out in Washington, New York and Canada and other parts of the world.