Friday July 26, 2024

Radio Pakistan Peshawar gets first female director

By Bureau report
September 24, 2022

PESHAWAR: Syeda Iffat Jabbar took charge as Station Director of Radio Pakistan Peshawar on Friday.

A press release said Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation Headquarters Islamabad issued the notification of her promotion.

Hailing from Peshawar, Iffat Jabbar joined Radio Pakistan Peshawar as a programme producer.

She has the distinction of being the first woman station director and controller programmes of Radio Pakistan Peshawar in the history of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Her father, late Syed Abdul Jabbar, was a well-known broadcaster as well.

Iffat Jabbar has represented the country on various national and international forums, including BBC London, Voice of America, British Council, Deutsche Welle Germany, Radio Singapore, Radio Japan, Radio Bangladesh, Australia, Malaysia, and won awards. It may be mentioned here that Peshawar Station started transmission in 1935.