Friday September 20, 2024

Sherpao urges Pakistan, Afghanistan to remove mistrust

Says joint strategy needed to tackle terrorism

By our correspondents
October 05, 2015
MINGORA: Terming the terrorism as big problem in the Pakhtun belt, Qaumi Watan Party (QWP) chief Aftab Sherpao Saturday asked both Pakistan and Afghanistan to take steps to remove mistrust and work for restoration of peace in the region.
Speaking at the Swat Adabi Kalturi Narriwal Jirga at Wadoodia Hall in Saidu Sharif, Sherpao said that restoration of peace in the region was directly related to durable peace in both the countries.
“The chaos and disorder in Afghanistan would have negative effects in Pakistan as an immediate neighbour,” he said, adding, both the countries should devise a joint strategy to remove the mistrust to overcome the menace of terrorism in the region once and for all.
About their rights of Pakhtuns on natural resources, Sherpao said he thought the things would improve after passage of the 18th Amendment but it didn’t happen. “Pakhtuns are still feeling the sense of deprivation and facing economic disparity,” he maintained.
He added that concrete steps were needed to address the issues being faced by the people in Pakhtun belt. “The QWP will continue struggle for safeguarding the rights of Pakhtuns,” he vowed.
The QWP chief said that tribal belt had been passing through a difficult time due to unfavourable situation for the last three decades.
All education institutions and other infrastructures had been destroyed there during the ongoing war against terrorism, he said and asked the government to devise a strategy to rebuild the damaged infrastructure in order to bring life to normalcy in the tribal belt.
“Measures must be taken to rehabilitate the internally displaced persons (IDPs) with honour and dignity,” he stressed.
He said the QWP wanted all Pakhtuns to be united under one banner in order to continue joint efforts for getting their basic rights.
Lauding the services rendered by scholars, poets and writers, he said they had played a very positive and pivotal role in testing times.
QWP Provincial Chief Sikandar Sherpao, senior leader Shujaul Mulk and other also spoke on the occasion.