Thursday May 02, 2024

A reason to remember

October 16, 2018

This refers to the editorial ‘Remember Thar’ published in these pages on October 13. The health services in Thar have failed to measure up to expectations. It is difficult to find good doctors and gain access to suitable medicines. Moreover, patients who fail to obtain adequate treatment in the remote areas of Thar are often taken to Mithi. This has proved to be an ordeal as many patients, especially children, who are taken to Mithi in the event of an emergency often end up dying on the way as they are not provided immediate medical attention. According to some estimates, the PPP government has only been able to establish a few dispensaries in the 10 years that it has ruled Sindh. The chief justice’s decision to direct the Sindh government to take concrete steps to ameliorate the crisis that has gripped Tharparkar should be welcomed. The plight of Thar’s people needs to be given priority at all costs.

Faazila Baig
