Friday July 26, 2024

24 hospitalised after consuming milk of cow bitten by rabid dog

By our correspondents
September 03, 2016

PARACHINAR: At least 24 members of a family were hospitalised after consuming the milk of a cow bitten by a rabid dog at Boshhara Gul Killay in Kurram Agency, hospital sources said on Friday.

They said that 24 members of the family were taken to the hospital after their condition worsened, but they couldn’t be vaccinated against rabies due to the non-availability of the vaccine.

Meanwhile, Senator Sajjad Hussain and Member National Assembly Sajid Turi took strong exception to the non-availability of the anti-rabies vaccine at the hospital and demanded the authorities concerned to make the vaccine available.

In recent months several people, including women and children, have been bitten by rabid dogs in various parts of the province and Fata.People of the area have asked the government to cull the canine population to save them.