Friday July 26, 2024

Shangla residents complain of excessive power cuts

By Our Correspondent
March 25, 2024
A representational image of a transmission tower, also known as an electricity pylon. — Unsplash/File
A representational image of a transmission tower, also known as an electricity pylon. — Unsplash/File

ALPURI: The social and political figures and general public have the hours-long electricity loadshedding in various parts of the Shangla district during Ramazan.

“Most parts of the Shangla district have been experiencing excessive power outages for the last several days, causing problems to residents as the Peshawar Electric Supply Company has reportedly increased loadshedding duration to over 18 hours in some parts,” a resident of Alpuri city complained.

He said that Khan Khwar Dam was generating more than 100 megawatt elec6trciity but they were still experiencing the worst kind of laodshedding.The residents said that power supply remained suspended to Alpuri, Puran, Martung, Chakisar, Makhozi tehsils and parts of Bisham that irked residents, especially during Sehr and Iftar.

They said that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur had directed the Pesco to ensure smooth supply of electricity during Sehr and Iftar but those orders were brazenly flouted. They said they expected there would be no power outage in Ramazan, but Pesco had rather enhanced outage duration.They said they broke fast and offered Taraweeh prayers without power supply, adding that it wasn’t clear why Pesco observed such a prolonged electricity loadshedding.