Friday July 26, 2024

Five arrested in leopard killing case

By Syed Kosar Naqvi
February 22, 2024

ABBOTTABAD: In a significant breakthrough, the raiding party of the wildlife division apprehended five persons responsible for two separate incidents of common leopard killings in Galiyat.

A representational image of a handcuffed man. — Pexels/File
A representational image of a handcuffed man. — Pexels/File

Sardar Muhammad Nawaz, SDFO Wildlife Department, Abbottabad confirmed the arrest of Muhammad Irshad, Zafeer Ahmad and Zaheer, Pervaiz and Hazrat Wali Shah.“We can protect and preserve our natural heritage for future generations, ensuring the survival of these enchanting creatures that grace our forests and bring beauty to our surroundings.

The arrest of these three individuals involved in the leopard killing at Barian, and the subsequent apprehension of two suspects from Thandiani, marks a significant achievement in the ongoing efforts to combat wildlife crime within the region. These incidents had sparked outrage among locals and conservationists alike, as the common leopard is an endangered species protected by law.

The accused individuals have now been charged under various sections of the KP Wildlife and Biodiversity Act 2015. The Wildlife authorities are currently conducting thorough interrogations to gather additional information and ensure no stone is left unturned in the investigation. Law enforcement officials of the wildlife department are determined to hold the perpetrators accountable for their heinous acts, sending a strong message that wildlife crimes will not be tolerated.

With the cooperation of the public and the swift action taken by the Abbottabad wildlife division, this successful operation highlights the commitment of the concerned authorities towards protecting the endangered wildlife species residing in Abbottabad district.

“The arrested individuals now await further legal proceedings as the investigation progresses,” said SDFO Sardar Muhammad Nawaz, adding that their apprehension serves as a warning to others involved in wildlife crimes.