Friday July 26, 2024

Traders’ leader target-killed

By Our Correspondent
November 10, 2023
Police personnel in Peshawar stand guard. — AFP/File
Police personnel in Peshawar stand guard. — AFP/File

KHAR: Unidentified gunmen target-killed a traders’ leader in Inayat Killay Bazaar Bajaur tribal district in broad daylight on Thursday.

Sources said that Akram Khan, a traders’ leader in Inayat Killay Bazaar, the second business hub in Khar tehsil, was on way to the mosque to offer zuhr prayers when unidentified gunmen opened fire on him near Bypass Road. He sustained serious bullet injuries and was shifted to the hospital where he lost the battle for life.The slain trader was the cousin of Imran Mahir, the president of traders’ union in Inayat Killay Bazaar.

The victim was running the business of weapons sales and his late father Ashraf Khan had also remained president of traders’ union for several times.The incidents of target-killing are rising with the passage of time despite the tall claims of police, district administration and other law-enforcing agencies to rein in criminals and target-killers.

On Sunday, a youth identified as Inayatur Rahman was target-killed in Badisamoor area near Inayat Killay Bazaar in Khar tehsil in Bajaur tribal district. It was learnt that unknown attackers had also shot dead the brother of slain Inayatur Rahman in Inayat Killay a few months ago. This was the fourth such incident of target-killing in Bajaur tribal district in two weeks.

Earlier, a worker of the Jamiat-Ahle-Hadith Pakistan (JAHP) was target-killed by an unidentified assailant in Tarkho Bazaar in Mamond.Qari Ismail, a resident of Lagharai, was present in Tarkho Bazaar when an unidentified attacker opened indiscriminate fire on him.