Friday July 26, 2024

Educational facilities being restored in North Waziristan

By Malik Habibullah Khan
June 04, 2023

MIRANSHAH: Though most of the schools were closed in North Waziristan owing to lack of resources, the Pakistan Army has reconstructed the Government Boys Public School Kadikhel and restored another four schools in

Deogar area in Ghulam Khan tehsil, which had closed its doors to students following military operation Zarb-e-Azb.

The boys and girls were provided with free books, stationery, uniform, school bags, and shoes in line

with the instructions of General Officer Commanding Major General Naeem Akhtar.

Around 578 boys and 145 girls were enrolled at the four schools in Deogar area in Ghulam Khan. The Pakistan Army has been making efforts to restore educational facilities in North Waziristan in order to enable the children to have access to education.

The rebuilding of the Government Boys Public School Kadikhel and another four schools in Deogar area in Ghulam Khan tehsil demonstrates the Army’s commitment to the region’s uplift.

Appreciating the initiative, the local elders

said that the reopening of these schools would help the students acquire

knowledge and become useful citizens to play a crucial role in the uplift of

their native areas and the country.

“We are convinced that the youngsters from this region will seek knowledge and build a bright future for themselves,” an elder hoped.