Friday July 26, 2024

Rabbani asks govt to bring Taliban issue to parliament

By Asim Yasin
December 03, 2022

ISLAMABAD: Senator Mian Raza Rabbani has questioned the federal government’s shyness for not bringing the issue of cessation of a ceasefire with the Tehreek-e-Taliban and re-emergence of terrorism in the country in the parliament.

“The statement of the federal government on the cessation of ceasefire with the TTP and upsurge in terror attacks through a press conference should have been made in a joint sitting of parliament or at least on the floor of the National Assembly which is in session but one fails to understand why the government is shy of the parliament,” he said while reiterating his demand for convening a joint session of the parliament to debate the issue.

Rabbani said dialogue and an operation against the TTP was in the hands of the army, therefore, it would have been appropriate if the defence ministry had also been involved in the briefing. “It appears from the press conference of the federal government that it still intends to pursue a policy of force and appeasement. This policy has already been tried but it failed,” he maintained.

He said the situation was complicated by the fragmentation of the TTP, therefore, mere appeasement would not be beneficial. “It is once again demanded that a joint sitting of parliament be summoned immediately in which the stakeholders be invited to brief the parliament on the present situation and collectively find a way forward,” he said.