Friday July 26, 2024

Indian illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir: Black Day observed across KP

By Bureau report
October 28, 2022

PESHAWAR: Rallies and walks were arranged to observe the anniversary of the Indian atrocities and show solidarity with Kashmiri brethren on the Kashmir Black Day on Thursday.

In the provincial metropolis, a walk was organised from the Chief Minister’s House to the Governor’s House. Finance Minister Taimur Saleem Jhagra, Minister for Higher Education Kamran Bangash, Deputy Commissioner Peshawar Shafiullah Khan, Hurriyat leader Dawood Khan Yousafzai and senior officials participated in the walks.

The participants were holding placards and banners inscribed with slogans of solidarity with the Kashmiris and condemning the Indian brutalities.

Also, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Culture and Tourism Authority (KPCTA) along with the Directorate of Sports staged a rally at the Peshawar Sports Complex to observe Kashmir Black Day.

The participants of the rally were holding banners and placards inscribed with slogans of “Kashmir Black Day”, and “Stop genocide of Kashmiris.” They also chanted slogans against Indian atrocities and favour of the Kashmiri brethren.

They demanded the international community to ensure the implementation of decisions related to Kashmir independence and the stop the atrocities against the innocent Kashmiri People.

On this occasion, KPCTA Director General Bakhtiar Khan, Director Admin and Finance Khursheed Alam, Director Women Sports Rashida Ghaznavi, Administrator Jaffar Shah on behalf of Sports Directorate and employees of the KPCTA and Directorate sports participated in the rally to express solidarity with the Kashmiris.

Talking to the media, KPCTA DG Bakhtiar Khan said that Indian troops had been committing atrocities against the innocent Kashmiris for the last 75 years.

He said they stood with the Kashmiris for their right to self-determination and freedom from the clutches of Indian subjugation.

“Today is a Black Day when India set new heights of oppression against Kashmiris and illegally occupied Kashmir. We are observing the Kashmir Black Day to condemn Indian illegal occupation of the state and reiterate our unwavering support to the Kashmiri people struggling for their rights,” he said.

The DG said that they wanted to send a message to the world and especially to India that they had not forgotten the Kashmiri brethren.

“Kashmir is Pakistan and Pakistan is Kashmir and Pakistan and Kashmir cannot be separated”.

Director Admin and Finance Khursheed Alam said that Indian troops unlawfully forced their entry into Kashmir some 75 years ago, and since then occupying it illegally with brute force.

“Today we want to remind the world that Kashmiris are our brothers, and we stand with them in the struggle for freedom,” he added.

KHAR: The district administration staged a rally from Bajaur Sports Complex to Shandai Morr to condemn brutalities of the Indian troops in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK) on the Kashmir Black Day.

Deputy Commissioner Fahad Wazir and District Police Officer Abdul Samad led the rally. Besides officials of the district administration, a large number of people hailing from different walks of life participated in the rally.

The participants urged the world community and United Nations to intervene and stop the brutalities and atrocities being committed by Indian forces in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir.

MANSEHRA: Kashmir Black Day was also observed in the upper parts of Hazara division and Naran tourist resort on Thursday.

Kaghan Development Authority organised a rally which was attended among others by tourists and locals.

The participants of the rally marched through Naran bazaar and assembled at the Saiful Muluk Chowk.

The participants raised slogans in support of the Kashmir cause and against Indian aggression.