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Defiant PM Imran Khan vows to continue fight against 'corrupt mafia'

“All designs and attempts by the gang of corrupt politicians against the government would meet a failure,” says PM Imran

By Web Desk
March 08, 2022

ISLAMABAD: Lashing out at the Opposition over their planned no-confidence motion against the PTI-led, government, Prime Minister Imran Khan Tuesday said that they were threatening to topple the government after refusal for the NRO.

Addressing an event in Islamabad in connection with International Women's Day, PM Imran said, "the powerful desires NRO and threaten to topple the government if they don't get it but I will not give them that as long as I am alive."

“All designs and attempts by the gang of corrupt politicians against the government would meet a failure,” said PM Imran.

“No matter what planning such corrupt do, I am ready to thwart their attempts,” he said and reiterated that he was committed to continue waging war against corrupt politicians.

PM Imran said that Pakistan on its creation was envisioned as a country with a rule of law and vowed that he would not give any relief to the corrupt elite who had plundered the national wealth.

“Once again, I make it loud and clear that I will not extend the gang of thieves and dacoits any relief in the shape of NRO,” he said.

He said a "powerful thief" was more detrimental to the country for blatantly quashing the sanctity of rule of law.

He mentioned that the corrupt politicians owning the exponentially expensive apartments in London were denying to surrender before the law.

Govt committed to protect women’s rights

PM Imran said that Islam gave inheritance rights to women 1500 years ago, however, regretted that a large population in Pakistan was denying such compulsory rights.

He said his government made powerful amendments in inheritance law to ensure ownership of property. He urged the university students to raise awareness among women to get a realization about their rights.

He said that the government was providing an increased number of scholarships and stipends to girls than boys with a ratio of 60 to 40% 

Additional input from APP